GenTIGSA Gene Database on Rare Genetic Disorders
  Beta Version

Lists of Rare Genetic Disorders  

Fabry Disease(Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum)      Explore Disorder's Alias
An X-linked recessive, X-linked dominant mode(s) within the Metabolic disorders/Lysosomal storage disorders category
Reported Pathogenic variants
Candidate Gene Information
S.No. Name/GeneID Description Cytogentic Band Gene Location on genomic DNA Gene Length Exons Details Gene Cross-References
1 GLA/2717 galactosidase alpha Xq22.1 ChrX, NC_000023.11
(101397803..101407925, complement)
10123 nt 10 More... OMIM gene
gnomAD browser
ClinGen gene

Variant Information    
Disorder Cross-References:      Orphanet          OMIM          GARD          GTR          MedGen          MalaCards          EMBL-EBI OLS    Monarch Initiative          Human Phenotype Ontology          NORD     

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Clinical Symptoms & Disabilities