GenTIGSA Gene Database on Rare Genetic Disorders
  Beta Version
Hereditary Liability To Pressure Palsies  
Disease Aliases (17)

Compression neuropathy

Current pressure-sensitive neuropathy

Familial pressure sensitive neuropathy


Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy

Hereditary pressure sensitive neuropathy

Hereditary liability to pressure palsies

Heterozygous microdeletion 17p11.2p12

Inherited tendency to pressure palsies

Neuropathy, hereditary, with liability to pressure palsies

Polyneuropathy, familial recurrent

Potato-grubbing palsy

Tomaculous neuropathy

Tulip-bulb digger's palsy

Familial recurrent polyneuropathy

Neuropathy, hereditary, with liability to pressure palsies; hnpp

Associated Genes (1)

NCBI-RefSeq:  PMP22   (Peripheral myelin protein 22)

External Links:  gnomAD browser   Ensembl   GeneCards


Cross-references of Hereditary liability to pressure palsies OMIM GARD Orphanet NCBI-GTR NCBI-MedGen MalaCards      MeSH Annotations