Total 10 clinical symptoms reported for Pemphigus vulgaris 
Abnormal blistering of the skin The presence of one or more bullae on the skin, defined as fluid-filled blisters more than 5 mm in diameter with thin walls.
Synonyms:Abnormal blistering of the skin; Blister; Blistering, generalized; Blisters; Skin bullae
Very frequent
Abnormal oral cavity morphology Abnormality of the oral cavity, i.e., the opening or hollow part of the mouth.
Synonyms:Abnormality of the oral cavity
Very frequent
Acantholysis The loss of intercellular connections, such as desmosomes, resulting in loss of cohesion between keratinocytes.
Very frequent
Atypical scarring of skin Atypically scarred skin .
Synonyms:Atypical scarring; Atypical scarring of skin
Very frequent
Autoimmunity The occurrence of an immune reaction against the organism's own cells or tissues.
Synonyms:Autoimmune condition; Autoimmune disease; Autoimmune disorder; Autoimmunity
Very frequent
Feeding difficulties in infancy Impaired feeding performance of an infant as manifested by difficulties such as weak and ineffective sucking, brief bursts of sucking, and falling asleep during sucking. There may be difficulties with chewing or maintaining attention.
Very frequent
Recurrent cutaneous abscess formation An increased susceptibility to cutaneous abscess formation, as manifested by a medical history of recurrent cutaneous abscesses.
Very frequent
Recurrent infections Increased susceptibility to infections.
Synonyms:Frequent infections; Frequent, severe infections; Increased frequency of infection; infections, recurrent; Predisposition to infections; Recurrent infections; Susceptibility to infection
Very frequent
Urticaria Raised, well-circumscribed areas of erythema and edema involving the dermis and epidermis. Urticaria is intensely pruritic, and blanches completely with pressure.
Very frequent
Weight loss Reduction of total body weight.
Synonyms:Loss of weight
Very frequent